Wednesday, November 08, 2006


It seems that Pennsylvania no longer suffers the indignity of being represented by Rick Sanatorium.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats yeah

and now for the almost always aimless question-
so what do you want for christmas????

you are still coming right?

4:06 AM  
Blogger GB said...

i will be in illinois for xmas.

as far as a wish list:
1) you could get me an iTunes gift certificate.
2) you could make a a present in the following way:
(i) brainstorm some songs.
(ii) use google to find the chords or tablature on the internet. compile this information into a text file. then we put the file on my computer, and keep a backup somewhere also... i can list a few specific songs i would like to know how to play but most of them will be songs that i looked for once and could not find.
3) carrying simplicity around in her current bag is not an optimal solution to the portable guitar problem. the places there are room for improvement are: a) my carry-on bag needs to contain my laptop. the little pocket on simplicity's bag is just barely not big enough for the laptop to go in. b) simplicity's current bag has only a shoulder-strap. a bag which can go on like a backpack would be an improvement. c) they have those small guitars. but i don't think they're cheap.

1:58 PM  

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