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Monday, December 04, 2006

Festival wrap up--mostly more graf

That's right: tater tots and Kimchi.
These last two constitute a battle of the bands. Above we have "Bremen." (A first read of the Hangul produced "BuhLayMayn" and confusion but I had already seen their signs with the name in Roman letters around campus. Then later they added Roman lettering to the graf which you can see at the bottom of this photo.) Below we have "Steeler," another POSTECH campus band.

Some band, possibly one of the two above, was playing in the lobby in front of the cafeteria the other night and played, among other things, the "Friends" theme song. (Yes I know that song has a real name.) It was disturbingly faithful to the original. I found myself thinking "Oh, this must be the one where Rachel makes dessert with tater tots and kimchi, and then no one eats it but Joey. Joey: `what? tater tots: good. Kimchi: good!'"


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