Friday, January 26, 2007


Four more photos which are not of Korea, and two that are. I found the three of Thane while going through my old photos to pick the ones for my mom and grandma, and think they are nicely composed images in spite of the subject's gruesome appearance and moral terpitude. Thane kindly agreed to be a blogstar.

Thane on a train in Kerala.

A building in Chicago, near the building which houses the Indian and Korean consulates. I took this the morning I went to get my Korean visa. Someone remind me: is this the Wrigley building?

This I will explain later.

That face looks familiar but I didn't expect to see it in Seoul. Evidently there are Korean boys envying Abishek Bachchan as well.

Thane in action: cricket on Juhu beach...

This is going to drive Mobile up a wall... ha ha ha .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i think u wanted to use turptitude. ( - though i had to check the above link ;)
so you are calling this guy some names eh? rather than let readers form their own opinion? (haha, jokingly this can be called as recism or may does look that way ;)or is it that you are a citizen of a stereotyped country? haha).

5:51 AM  
Blogger GB said...

oh, and i forgot to mention his atrocious spelling. thanks for reminding me, anonymous.

2:11 AM  

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