Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ephemeral Phenomena

Ice crystals in the fountains, reflections off of the fountains, the sunrise.

I leave Pohang tomorrow. This is what's caught my eye the last 24 hours.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, u can write from where ever you are going to man... right?

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been wondering what's with the smokestack in front of your apartment? What is it attached to?

1:42 AM  
Blogger GB said...

anonymous I: I don't plan to blog from Illinois except catching up unblogged stuff from Korea. There's some chance we'll do something bloggable but more likely it's just hanging out with the family and I don't blog that sort of thing. I will not be blogging from Israel.

anonymous II: I have no idea.

4:07 AM  

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