Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Korean Name

Yesterday they brought me my insurance card in case I get sick. (My sojourn here is approximately 1/3 over but ne'er mind.) Today Prof. C. pointed out a string of three syllables written in Hangul which comprise my Korean name. It's my last name, chopped into three pieces. The vowel in the second syllable is the "u" in "put" and was put there because 3 consonants in a row can not be accomodated. The "l" has been doubled so that it both ends the second consonant and begins the third. What's fun is that full Korean names often are 3 syllables long, so it kind of works as one. One just has to decide whether to parse the last syllable or the first as the family name...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HJ says that 한 is a valid surname, but 리 isn't. (The surname that gets westernized as Lee is actually 이.)
So you have to be Duh-li Han.

3:05 AM  
Blogger GB said...

Aha. Well that's good. We wouldn't want ambiguity.

12:27 PM  

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