Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Yesterday was a good day for T-Shirts in the library. Some kid sitting across from me had one that said "Did you eat Breakfast this morning?" on the chest with a picture which I think was someone eating a bowl of rice-- bowl ,chopsticks and all-- in one bite. On the sleeve it said. "Breakfast ENERGY!!!"

(Readers who are not members of my immediate family likely will not know that my Dad once worked on a similar ad campaign.)

(He rarely eats breakfast either.)

Another kid had a hoodie which said "PARKBUILT: This outerwear is constructed for the most extreme conditions" and had a picture of a stick figure in peril worksafety advisory: will probably make you laugh out loud. I'd say this one is the best approximation.


Blogger GB said...

wow, that's terrific! thank you, mysterious, repetitive stranger!

12:24 PM  

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