Saturday, October 28, 2006

When you're feeling down, and the fish won't bite...

Went to Seoul for about a day and a half. Pictures to come.

No interesting stories from Seoul itself. All I can really say about Seoul is that the public transportation is excellent. On the train to Seoul there were a couple of Buddhist monks, one of whom was eager to speak a little English with me and inspect my iBook. (I guess I already mentioned the rarity of Macs in S. Korea.) Then we found our way on the subway together. There was a very odd moment when all of a sudden he darted behind a pillar. I had no idea why and decided to keep walking. Then I noticed that up ahead there was what appeared to be another monk in slightly different garb. It was a bit like something out of a Kung Fu movie with warring temples. A more likely explanation is that he was playing hookie from something. I went and found the big map to get oriented, and by the time I got back to the ticket vending machines, my companion had come out from behind the pillar and was buying a ticket.

Fashion notes:
1) if you are a square-jawed, sad-eyed Buddhist monk, you can totally rock a pith helmet and a man-purse. All others I do not particularly recommend either.
2) being a 50 year old Korean man in matching pale grey pants and sweater with a lime green jacket is no reason not to listen to Megadeth, and don't let anyone tell you it is.
3) if you are male, but nevertheless plan to sing Celine Dion-esque ballads in front of the train station, a Mr. Rogers sweater is the garb of choice.

(that last one, I have a picture of).


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