Saturday, September 16, 2006

Ooooh My Secret

Well, I got around to making a decision about how anonymous I feel like being on this blog and the answer is "not very." So I'm just going to change the names and leave it at that. (If you use people's real names it might show up on Google.)

So, I'm doing a Post-Doc at POSTECH in Pohang. Which just this once you should read "PO-Hang" to keep the rhythm of that sentence going, but the correct pronunciation rhymes with "song" not "sang" and the "h" is barely there, so it sounds almost like "Pwong."

I should warn you all now that this is likely going to be a pretty boring blog. I'm signed up to give a series of lectures to the graduate students, and will be working to have something joint and publishable with the person who brought me here, and have another project joint with someone else to not neglect, and soon it will be job application season again. So I expect to be pretty swamped with work most of the time I am here. But being in another country almost always produces interesting experiences whether you go looking for them or not, and whatever life throws my way will show up here.

Now that I've admitted I am in Pohang, I can mention that the local soccer team (and of course it's called "football" here, so it's the local football team) is the Pohang Steelers.

For now that's all I've got. I'll get some pictures up soon.


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