Saturday, September 30, 2006


When Prof K and I had dinner, he demonstrated to me that one can go into the little store next to the cafeteria (where I got my "specified bags") and buy a can of beer and take it into the cafeteria and have it with your dinner. I followed his lead in selecting a "Hite." The lettering looks like a cross between "Sprite" and the "Lite" in "Miller Lite." It reminds me of the Japanese boy bands "Smap" and "Glay." And of course "Gackt" who is an individual. Oh, and "Smap" is also a beverage. That is, the boy band is merchandised to the hilt, including a soft drink.

Speaking of Prof K and beer, he told a story at dinner the next night about being in Chennai and tossing back an entire glass of Strong Beer in one gulp because no one had explained the idea of "Strong Beer" to him. (It's 15% alcohol.)

Aaah. Here we are: THE HITE!!

Interestingly enough, Wikipedia seems to say that Gackt is called "Gackt" because his name is "Gackt." This confuses me. I tried to learn Japanese a little bit once and my understanding was that you can't end a syllable with a consonant other than "n" and you can't have two consecutive consonants unless the first one is "n."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the HITE website. It seemed very Sprite-ish, I agree. I thought the idea of "naturally fresh water!" was a little strange.

2:26 AM  

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