Sunday, October 01, 2006

More Sculpture Garden

This last one is not actually sculpture garden. It's the 78 steps. I believe this is in regards to an exchange program that POSTECH has with Tohoku U. in Japan.

I think those are Japanese Hiragana at the top, not Korean Hangul. I am no longer able to sound out things written in Hiragana, but I checked the page I just linked to and tested the theory that what it says is "Tohoku." Next guess: it's addressed to the arriving Japanese exchange students and says "Welcome." I took a photography break today and got some photos of campus from the upper tiers of the collonade near our building. But I'll save them for later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh now i see the 78 steps
i am jealous that is a really cool scupture garden. do you get to walk through it often?

8:59 PM  
Blogger GB said...

i've only walked through it twice to take pictures. but i walk past it a couple times a day. it's there at the gate where i enter campus.

7:53 PM  

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